Dynamic Rent Management™

District Manager® PRO analyzes data and psychographic elements to adjust rates based on research in real time. Recommendations can them be immediately implemented.

District Manager® PRO delivers rate increases based on Scientific research

Professional Revenue Management

Owners and Managers have the ability to manage revenue on a level equivalent or exceeding what REITS can do.

Increase Facility Value

Real time revenue changes have a positive effect on facility value and, in turn for multi-site operators, portfolio value. District Manager® PRO charts facility value increases in real time.

Improve Efficiency of Staff

Both site and management staff productivity increases as pricing decisions becomes automated and consistent, leaving staff to improve other areas of the business.

Historical Data analysis

District Manager® PRO analyzes historical data to uncover economic facts about a facility and its local market, adapting pricing recommendations to the specific facility’s economic nature.

Proprietary Methods

By employing predictive analysis District Manager® PRO calculates the inquiry based demand for each size and type of unit in any given month. Additionally, our high speed quantitative and qualitative algorithms provide a suggested rate increase that is not only right for the tenant but good for your business as well.

Increase Rates with Confidence

Every price suggestion and action item comes with a confidence index, monitoring results and adjusting the outcome. This task alone could take 10 or more manual hours to perform, per month, per customer.


District Manager® PRO has over 20 options that can be set by the primary account holder. Adjust these options and the software will apply all its analytical power while adhering to the values of your company.

Performance Reporting

District Manager® PRO provides easy to read reports for owners, investors and financial institutions.

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