We acknowledge that word-of-mouth helps a business grow. Through our referral program, we would like to reward those who have helped us grow when our clients recommend our services to others.


  • The referral program is available ONLY to paying clients currently subscribed to the District Manager software, regardless of version. These clients, known as the “Referrer”, must be up to date with their subscription payments to receive credit.
  • The “Referrer” must notify us and let us know who they are referring.
  • After the new subscriber pays their first month subscription, the “Referrer” will receive a one-time statement credit of $25 for each facility the new subscriber initially signed up applied to the “Referrer’s” following month’s invoice. Subsequent facilities added by the new subscriber after the initial subscription sign-up does not count towards this one-time statement credit.
  • The one-time statement credit to the “Referrer” cannot be transferred, nor can it be redeemed for cash or other tangible goods.

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